Nuestro Flamenco

For the wannabe flamenco aficionado who lives outside of Spain, radio is vital. While the quiddity of flamenco might only be fully experienced in a tabloa on the Iberian Peninsula, in this era of radio renaissance there is plenty to sustain us.

To José María Velázquez-Gaztelu, the host of Nuestro Flamenco, I owe a great debt. If you let him, he will show you magnificent vistas and hand you a map as you set off to discover the world of flamenco.

Having been unable to listen to his program over the past month, I have a backlog of episodes that I’m dying to work through. To mark the occasion, and to encourage others to listen to Nuestro Flamenco, here’s three of my favourite recent episodes:

El universo musical de Moraíto, 20/11/14

El cante de la saeta, 02/04/15

El sonido de Dani de Morón, 16/07/15